måndag 3 augusti 2009
Kanelhjärta och Fredrik söker sponsorer som vill stödja vår
satsning på barn och ungdomar. Vi tar tacksamt emot alla
gåvor och donationer för att kunna skriva
fler böcker som ska stärka barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa.
Senaste projektet är ett som ska stöda de andinska prästerna, s.k. Paqos i Peru. Många av dem lever mycket fattigt och har inte tillgång till den lyx vi har i västerlandet. Jag håller på att skriva en bok som ska vidareförmedla de andinska prästernas visdom och verktyg, till barn och ungdomar på ett fantasifyllt och enkelt sätt. En viss del av inkomsterna kommer att gå till Paqos i Peru för att hjälpa dem bygga upp skolor, där barn kan få lära sig läsa och skriva. För att få bättre underlag till boken har jag för avsikt att resa till Peru och ta del av enrgierna, den underbara naturen och kulturen. Alla bidrag till reskassan, tas med stort hjärta emot. Jag ger gärna något tillbaka med någon av mina tjänster som psykolog, livscoach, ayurvedisk hälsorådgivare och energi healer. Inom den andinska traditation är det viktigt med utbyte av tjänster och energier så att ett lätt flöde av sami (sk. lätt energi) kan bibehållas. Läs gärna mer på Inkaspirits hemsida: http://www.inkaspirit.com/
Boken: Kanelhjärta, draken med världens största hjärta vill inspirera
barn och ungdomar att tro på sig själva och lära sig älska sig själv precis
som dom är.
Om du tycker om vårt initiativ och känner att du kan avvara
några slantar är du hjärtligt välkommen med ditt bidrag. Ju mer
vi ger desto mer får vi tillbaka.
Välkomen med ditt bidrag: Fredrik Grönqvist, Mång. 6 a, 441 36, 076086 53 67
Tack för hjälpen. Du har nu bidragit till att bevara inkaindianernas visdom, kultur och utveckling och barn och ungdomar får ett rikare liv.
Drakelidrak! Hej och hjärtligt välkommen till Kanelhjärta och hans vänner. Kanelhjärta är draken med världens största hjärta. Han är en grön drake med pustande näsborrar.
Följ med till drakarnas magiska dalar och lär känna Kanelhjärta och hans familj. Drakarnas uppgift är att sprida kärlek, ljus och glädje till alla de möter. Ingen är bättre än Kanelhjärta på att öppna sitt hjärta och dra in kärleksblommans strålar.
I drakarnas värld får ni också träffa tistelhörningarna. Deras ledare Tistelmistel gör allt för att hindra drakarna från att få flyga med öppna hjärtan. Kanelhjärta ger sig ut på äventyr för att förvandla tistelhörningarna till strålande drakblommor.
Hjälp Kanelhjärta och hans vänner i kampen mot de stickiga tistelhörningarna. Vidga vingarna, pusta med näsborrarna och gör dig redo för ett spännande äventyr!
Kanelhjärta - draken med världens största hjärta är skriven för alla med ett öppet hjärta och fantasifyllt sinne. Den passar utmärkt att läsa som saga för barn. Boken ska läsas med glimten i ögat och hjärtat.
En humoristisk och underhållande bok där man får följa en drakfamiljs öden och äventyr och uppleva hur finurligt det är ordnat i drakarnas värld. Många dråpliga livssituationer som beskrivs med fyndiga ord och uttryck.Samtidigt som man läser boken kan man inte låta bli att tänka på vilken underbar värld vi skulle kunna leva i om vi anammade drakarnas sätt att bemöta varandra och de stickliga tistelhörningarna. Kärleksblomman bidrar också till dom tankegångarna genom sitt budskap i slutet av varje kapitel. Verkligen en läsvärd bok både för barn och vuxna - jag säger bara "drakelidrak"
av Bokmal, 2009-07-27
Kärleksfullt och hoppingivande!
Boken om Kanelhjärta, draken med världens största hjärta, tar läsaren med till vardagliga händelser och utmaningar i Kanelhjärtas och hans familjs liv. Det direkta tilltalet och den kärleksfulla tonen lämnar läsaren, i vilken ålder han eller hon än befinner sig, med en känsla av att alla problem som dyker upp går att lösa, bara man har en stor nypa kärlek och omtanke, och inte minst kanelhjärtanspaj!
av Anna E, 2009-07-26
MER INFO PÅ: http://www.books-on-demand.com/
söndag 2 augusti 2009
Cinnamonheart – The Oneness dragon with the biggest heart in the world
Once upon a time in a green valley far away, dragons in different colors lived in caves. A little path meandered its way from the bottom of the valley up to a high mountain. At the top of the mountain grew a couple of bushes with golden-brown berries. From heaven a beautiful flower spread its colorful, brilliant beams down to the bushes. It was the flower of love. The flower was shining with a special color: dragoncolor. It was a color full of love and joy.
Near the bush lie an egg-shell. Suddenly there was a smashing sound from the top of the egg-shell. The egg-shell fell apart into two different pieces. From the top of the shell a curious face peeped out. A new dragon was born.
The dragon took an eager leap from the top of the egg-shell. He puffed with his nostrils and pattered towards one of the bushes with golden-brown berries. The dragon enjoyed the berries. Instantly his heart started growing. Curious about the world, the dragon warmed up his wings and took off from the top of the mountain.
The dragon flew down to the green valley. Soon he saw a cave down in the valley. In the cave lived two happy dragons: Basil and Oregano. The dragons embraces the little, green dragon with open wings. They welcomed him into the family. Basil and Oregano named him: Cinnamonheart.
Cinnamonheart grew up together with his parents and his little sister: Clove. Every evening Cardamom, Cinnamon´s grandmother told her grandchildren uplifting stories. The dragons hugged each other every evening before it was time for bed. Then they lay down in their coverings of green moss for sleep.
The dragons have bunches at their heads, ears, eyes and cheeks. If you would like to get well along with a dragon, you could try to scratch the dragon under his or hers nostrils. I promise you that the dragon would like to be your friend forever.
In the green valley grow bushes with all kinds of berries. There are dragonberries, goldenberries, murmelberries and cinnamonberries. The dragonberries make the dragons strong and powerful. The goldenberries help them se the bright side on life, the murmelberries make them relax and the cinnamonhearts help them open their hearts for universal love.
The dragons love pies. They make delicious pies out of the berries. Please enjoy a new baked cinnamonheartpie together with your friends.
Cinnamonheart loved flying out in the nature. On beautiful morning he decided to widen his wings and embark on a new, exciting adventure. Cinnamonheart flew up to the mountain from where he was born and further high up to the clouds.
After flying a while, the strength in his wings began to weaken. Cinnamonheart approached a little forest. Inside the forest grew a hall bunch of pricky trees and bushes. Suddenly Cinnamonheart felt pain in his heart. A stinging, red thistlecorn had landed on his heart.
The thistlecorns live in the thistleforest. They represent all the difficult thoughts and feelings the dragons have to face in life. Cinnamonheart suddenly felt angry, sad, jealous, self-critical and overcomed. All he wanted to do was to fly from the torturing thoughts and feelings. Cinnamonheart couldn´t love himself. He didn´t like his nostrils and he was afraid of feeling angry and sad.
Cinnamonheart tried in every way he found possible to stay away from or fight against the pricky thistlecorns. He fluttered his wings and tried to fly out of the thistleforest. Even more thistlecorns came along and pierced their poisoned thornes into his big heart.
Cinnamonheart sat down in the middle of all the pricky thistlebushes. He brought out a piece of dragonberriepie. The pie tasted delicious but after a while all the torturing thoughts and feelings came back. Cinnamonheart tried once more to push away the thistlecorns. He tried to think of happy and funny memories. Our friend sat a long time under the tree and tried to get rid of all his pricky thoughts and feelings. Yet, nothing seemed to be of any help. The thistlecorns grew stronger and stronger every time Cinnamonheart tried to avoid them.
Cinnamonheart didn´t know what to do. The more he tried to fight against the thistlecorns, the more his heart ached. Eventually Cinnamonheart gave up. He puffed in desperation with his nostrils and shut his eyes. Our friend got a brilliant idea. He thought of the flower of love high up in the sky. He visualized the flower sending its loving beams into his headbunches. He thanked the flower for helping him. He also thought of his family, friends and all the good things he was grateful for in life. The flower noticed what Cinnamonheart did and rewarded him with a beam of its dragon color light.
After a while Cinnamonheart heard a buzzing noise. He felt a sting on his left nostril. The flower had sent one of its helpers to help or friend. It was a cinnamonheartbee. The bee pierced its prickle in the middle of Cinnamonhearts big heart and gave him an overflowering shower with love.
Cinnamonheart suddenly started to notice what he felt. He allowed himself to feel all the sticky feelings: all anger, jealousy, sadness, anxiety, worry, fear and self-criticism. Cinnamonheart asked himself where in his body all the feelings lived. The anger pierced like a large killersnail on the top of his headbunches, the sadness manifested as an iscold heartcrosser deep inside his heart and the fear like a scaring thistelball inside his stomach. Whenever a pricky thought spread its way down his headbunches, Cinnamonheart focused on how his body felt. He invited all the thistly thoughts and feelings. He then puffed with his nostrils.
”Hi there, all thistlecorns! You are all welcome inside my big heart. I love you”, Cinnamonheart said. Our friend gave all the thistlecorns a big hug. He focused on all the love in his heart. Our friend then sent all the love over to the thistlecorns.
Cinnamonheart sat a long while under the big tree and felt all the pain. Tears poured down his cheekbunches. Cinnamonheart wondered what the thistlecorns could learn him. He started to accept himself as he was. He sent love to his nostrils, all anger and feelings of loneliness.
Suddenly something happened. All thistlecorns began to change. “Thankful dragon!”, Cinnamonheart shouted. There was a cracking sound from his heart.
Cinnamonheart opened his eyes and was blinded by a beautiful shining light. A great many golden dragonflowers had grown up in front of him. Cinnamonheart took some deep puffs and enjoyed the beams from the flower. All thistlecorns had been transformed into the most beautiful dragonflowers you could ever imagine. All the pricky feelings had transformed into joy, love and light.
Cinnamonheart turned against a bush with golden-brown berries. He filled his paws with cinnamonhearts. They tasted delicious. From that moment Cinnamonheart was not afraid any more to embrace the thistlecorns. He trusted the flower of love and knew that he could handle whatever came into his life. No more fear would stop him from flying towards new caves.
Cinnamonheart suddenly felt alive. He felt a sense of oneness with all. He wanted to embrace the whole world: all dragons, marmots and all that was alive in the dragon valley. Yes! Cinnamonheart even wanted to embrace the most pricky thistlecorns.
It shined around Cinnamonheart. He puffed with his nostrils and flapped his wings. Our, big heart flew towards new caves. He flew over the valley, whish used to be filled with pricky thistelcorns. Down in the valley blossomed golden dragon flowers in abundance. Cinnamonheart vibrated with joy. He felt the highest kind of joy and happiness you can imagine; cinnamonjoy: a feeling of oneness with all and everything.
Cinnamonheart stopped in front of a bush with cinnamonhearts. He was the berries that grew on the branches. He looked down the valley and noticed two marmels. He was the marmels. Our big heart knew he was not alone. The flower of love always shined its most precious beams into his heart. Cinnamonheart knew that everything was possible with an open heart.
Our friend was now ready to help all his fellow dragons experience cinnamonjoy. He wanted nothing more than open his big heart and share the oneness experience with as many dragons as possible.
Puff, puff, give me more cinnamonjoy! Cinnamonheart had learned to accept himself as he is. He had learned how to transform the thistlecorns into the most beautiful dragonflowers you could ever imagine. The flower of love had given Cinnamonheart a precious gift. The flower had turned him into the Onenessdragon with the biggest heart in the world.
Take a deep breath and do as Cinnamonheart. Have the courage to be yourself. Welcome and embrace all sides of yourself. Remember: you are perfect as you are right now. Embrace your pricky thoughts and feelings with love. Imagine with an open heart that the flower of love is shining its most beautiful beams at you. Soon all your thistly feelings will transform into the most beautiful dragonflowers you could ever imagine.
Much cinnamonjoy
Fredrik and Cinnamonheart!
Near the bush lie an egg-shell. Suddenly there was a smashing sound from the top of the egg-shell. The egg-shell fell apart into two different pieces. From the top of the shell a curious face peeped out. A new dragon was born.
The dragon took an eager leap from the top of the egg-shell. He puffed with his nostrils and pattered towards one of the bushes with golden-brown berries. The dragon enjoyed the berries. Instantly his heart started growing. Curious about the world, the dragon warmed up his wings and took off from the top of the mountain.
The dragon flew down to the green valley. Soon he saw a cave down in the valley. In the cave lived two happy dragons: Basil and Oregano. The dragons embraces the little, green dragon with open wings. They welcomed him into the family. Basil and Oregano named him: Cinnamonheart.
Cinnamonheart grew up together with his parents and his little sister: Clove. Every evening Cardamom, Cinnamon´s grandmother told her grandchildren uplifting stories. The dragons hugged each other every evening before it was time for bed. Then they lay down in their coverings of green moss for sleep.
The dragons have bunches at their heads, ears, eyes and cheeks. If you would like to get well along with a dragon, you could try to scratch the dragon under his or hers nostrils. I promise you that the dragon would like to be your friend forever.
In the green valley grow bushes with all kinds of berries. There are dragonberries, goldenberries, murmelberries and cinnamonberries. The dragonberries make the dragons strong and powerful. The goldenberries help them se the bright side on life, the murmelberries make them relax and the cinnamonhearts help them open their hearts for universal love.
The dragons love pies. They make delicious pies out of the berries. Please enjoy a new baked cinnamonheartpie together with your friends.
Cinnamonheart loved flying out in the nature. On beautiful morning he decided to widen his wings and embark on a new, exciting adventure. Cinnamonheart flew up to the mountain from where he was born and further high up to the clouds.
After flying a while, the strength in his wings began to weaken. Cinnamonheart approached a little forest. Inside the forest grew a hall bunch of pricky trees and bushes. Suddenly Cinnamonheart felt pain in his heart. A stinging, red thistlecorn had landed on his heart.
The thistlecorns live in the thistleforest. They represent all the difficult thoughts and feelings the dragons have to face in life. Cinnamonheart suddenly felt angry, sad, jealous, self-critical and overcomed. All he wanted to do was to fly from the torturing thoughts and feelings. Cinnamonheart couldn´t love himself. He didn´t like his nostrils and he was afraid of feeling angry and sad.
Cinnamonheart tried in every way he found possible to stay away from or fight against the pricky thistlecorns. He fluttered his wings and tried to fly out of the thistleforest. Even more thistlecorns came along and pierced their poisoned thornes into his big heart.
Cinnamonheart sat down in the middle of all the pricky thistlebushes. He brought out a piece of dragonberriepie. The pie tasted delicious but after a while all the torturing thoughts and feelings came back. Cinnamonheart tried once more to push away the thistlecorns. He tried to think of happy and funny memories. Our friend sat a long time under the tree and tried to get rid of all his pricky thoughts and feelings. Yet, nothing seemed to be of any help. The thistlecorns grew stronger and stronger every time Cinnamonheart tried to avoid them.
Cinnamonheart didn´t know what to do. The more he tried to fight against the thistlecorns, the more his heart ached. Eventually Cinnamonheart gave up. He puffed in desperation with his nostrils and shut his eyes. Our friend got a brilliant idea. He thought of the flower of love high up in the sky. He visualized the flower sending its loving beams into his headbunches. He thanked the flower for helping him. He also thought of his family, friends and all the good things he was grateful for in life. The flower noticed what Cinnamonheart did and rewarded him with a beam of its dragon color light.
After a while Cinnamonheart heard a buzzing noise. He felt a sting on his left nostril. The flower had sent one of its helpers to help or friend. It was a cinnamonheartbee. The bee pierced its prickle in the middle of Cinnamonhearts big heart and gave him an overflowering shower with love.
Cinnamonheart suddenly started to notice what he felt. He allowed himself to feel all the sticky feelings: all anger, jealousy, sadness, anxiety, worry, fear and self-criticism. Cinnamonheart asked himself where in his body all the feelings lived. The anger pierced like a large killersnail on the top of his headbunches, the sadness manifested as an iscold heartcrosser deep inside his heart and the fear like a scaring thistelball inside his stomach. Whenever a pricky thought spread its way down his headbunches, Cinnamonheart focused on how his body felt. He invited all the thistly thoughts and feelings. He then puffed with his nostrils.
”Hi there, all thistlecorns! You are all welcome inside my big heart. I love you”, Cinnamonheart said. Our friend gave all the thistlecorns a big hug. He focused on all the love in his heart. Our friend then sent all the love over to the thistlecorns.
Cinnamonheart sat a long while under the big tree and felt all the pain. Tears poured down his cheekbunches. Cinnamonheart wondered what the thistlecorns could learn him. He started to accept himself as he was. He sent love to his nostrils, all anger and feelings of loneliness.
Suddenly something happened. All thistlecorns began to change. “Thankful dragon!”, Cinnamonheart shouted. There was a cracking sound from his heart.
Cinnamonheart opened his eyes and was blinded by a beautiful shining light. A great many golden dragonflowers had grown up in front of him. Cinnamonheart took some deep puffs and enjoyed the beams from the flower. All thistlecorns had been transformed into the most beautiful dragonflowers you could ever imagine. All the pricky feelings had transformed into joy, love and light.
Cinnamonheart turned against a bush with golden-brown berries. He filled his paws with cinnamonhearts. They tasted delicious. From that moment Cinnamonheart was not afraid any more to embrace the thistlecorns. He trusted the flower of love and knew that he could handle whatever came into his life. No more fear would stop him from flying towards new caves.
Cinnamonheart suddenly felt alive. He felt a sense of oneness with all. He wanted to embrace the whole world: all dragons, marmots and all that was alive in the dragon valley. Yes! Cinnamonheart even wanted to embrace the most pricky thistlecorns.
It shined around Cinnamonheart. He puffed with his nostrils and flapped his wings. Our, big heart flew towards new caves. He flew over the valley, whish used to be filled with pricky thistelcorns. Down in the valley blossomed golden dragon flowers in abundance. Cinnamonheart vibrated with joy. He felt the highest kind of joy and happiness you can imagine; cinnamonjoy: a feeling of oneness with all and everything.
Cinnamonheart stopped in front of a bush with cinnamonhearts. He was the berries that grew on the branches. He looked down the valley and noticed two marmels. He was the marmels. Our big heart knew he was not alone. The flower of love always shined its most precious beams into his heart. Cinnamonheart knew that everything was possible with an open heart.
Our friend was now ready to help all his fellow dragons experience cinnamonjoy. He wanted nothing more than open his big heart and share the oneness experience with as many dragons as possible.
Puff, puff, give me more cinnamonjoy! Cinnamonheart had learned to accept himself as he is. He had learned how to transform the thistlecorns into the most beautiful dragonflowers you could ever imagine. The flower of love had given Cinnamonheart a precious gift. The flower had turned him into the Onenessdragon with the biggest heart in the world.
Take a deep breath and do as Cinnamonheart. Have the courage to be yourself. Welcome and embrace all sides of yourself. Remember: you are perfect as you are right now. Embrace your pricky thoughts and feelings with love. Imagine with an open heart that the flower of love is shining its most beautiful beams at you. Soon all your thistly feelings will transform into the most beautiful dragonflowers you could ever imagine.
Much cinnamonjoy
Fredrik and Cinnamonheart!
söndag 8 februari 2009
Nya möjligheter – Sällskapsspelet som får dig att utvecklas samtidigt som du har roligt med dina vänner.
Du har beställt lammfilé på restaurangen. Kyparen serverar råbiff. Hur reagerar du?
Nämn tre saker du skulle göra om du visste att du inte kunde misslyckas
Du har en minut på dig att fritt berätta för dina medspelare om dagen då du kryddade äppelpajen med curry istället för kanel.
Vilken sagofigur skulle du helst av allt vilja vara?
Nya möjligheter är en rolig och underhållande sällskapsbok, där du tillsammans med dina vänner lär dig upptäcka nya möjligheter i vardagen. Spelet är ett utmärkt sätt att lära känna dina vänner samtidigt som ni utvecklas och har roligt. Boken innehåller 60 sidor fullspäckade med roliga och lärorika scenarior samt frågor som hjälper er att lära känna er själva och varandra.
Syftet med sällskapsboken, Nya möjligheter, är att öka din medvetenhet och ge ett värdefullt bidrag till din personliga utveckling. Genom att diskutera olika frågor och situationer med dina vänner får du möjlighet att lära känna dig själv och upptäcka nya möjligheter i livet. Ni uppmuntras att tillsammans finna positiva lösningar på olika situationer.
Sätt er ned tillrätta och gör er redo för en spännande resa!
Beställ boken via mail: fred_gronqvist@yahoo.com
Nya möjligheter – Sällskapsspelet som får dig att utvecklas samtidigt som du har roligt med dina vänner.
Du har beställt lammfilé på restaurangen. Kyparen serverar råbiff. Hur reagerar du?
Nämn tre saker du skulle göra om du visste att du inte kunde misslyckas
Du har en minut på dig att fritt berätta för dina medspelare om dagen då du kryddade äppelpajen med curry istället för kanel.
Vilken sagofigur skulle du helst av allt vilja vara?
Nya möjligheter är en rolig och underhållande sällskapsbok, där du tillsammans med dina vänner lär dig upptäcka nya möjligheter i vardagen. Spelet är ett utmärkt sätt att lära känna dina vänner samtidigt som ni utvecklas och har roligt. Boken innehåller 60 sidor fullspäckade med roliga och lärorika scenarior samt frågor som hjälper er att lära känna er själva och varandra.
Syftet med sällskapsboken, Nya möjligheter, är att öka din medvetenhet och ge ett värdefullt bidrag till din personliga utveckling. Genom att diskutera olika frågor och situationer med dina vänner får du möjlighet att lära känna dig själv och upptäcka nya möjligheter i livet. Ni uppmuntras att tillsammans finna positiva lösningar på olika situationer.
Sätt er ned tillrätta och gör er redo för en spännande resa!
Beställ boken via mail: fred_gronqvist@yahoo.com
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